Kurt Schambacha3chron


A page where I have many in my opinion important webapps for a dev


Well, I started with this, because all my other projects, that were meant to be (also) a good project for my portfolio website happened to become bigger and bigger, and take longer and longer.

So, after a few years of developing a few apps, which had no end, I decided to develop something real (real) quick: "DevApps".

I made a collection of my favourite apps, frameworks and APIs, that may help other developers finding something interesting.

Currently there are mostly apps, that could help Web-Developers, but I plan on adding a few more apps, maybe more diverse.

Also many cool features are on the way...

If you know any wonderful App/etc. that is not on my Website, feel free to make a App Request.

(I mean it would be real great, and it would help me improve my app :) )